One of the challenges that many gamers face is that large levels in mobile games load very slowly. If you’re looking to fix that problem, here are some tips to help.

Know your device

Every phone has its strengths and drawbacks.  It’s critical to know what your device can do so you don’t task it beyond its capabilities otherwise it will affect how fast the game loads. Overburdening your device can lead to degradation of performance, so always consider what your device can handle easily.

Update your Android

If you haven’t updated your Android device, you should do so as it contributes to your mobile game experience. Each update comes with great improvements to the operating system to ensure stability, high-performance speed and connectivity along with user-friendly new features.

Remove Unwanted Apps

When you install a mobile app on your device, it takes some storage space and battery juice. It also runs some background processes that impact your phone’s performance. The more apps you download, the slower your device is likely to get. Make sure you delete apps that you hardly use so you can free up the memory space and keep the background processes at a minimum.

Disable Unnecessary Apps

If there are apps that you consider to be important and don’t want to delete, consider disabling them. This is different from uninstallation as it only stops them from functioning and you can always re-enable them whenever you need them.

Update Apps

Many times, when games are updated, it is because the developers are trying to fix a bug and improve its stability. Other times, new features are added to the mobile game. From time to time, ensure you check for updates from the app store. Updated apps generally perform better and faster than previous versions.

Use High-Speed Memory Card

The storage space of your device plays a critical role in how fast your game will load and perform. If the memory of your device is too low, you can boost it by using a high-capacity memory card. Memory cards of Class 6 or Class 10 are great options for your device when it comes to choosing high-speed memory cards.

Keep Fewer Widgets

Unlike apps, widgets are always running in the background as you cannot choose when to activate them. They are constantly active and can consume a lot of your device’s resources. Try to reduce the number of your widgets by retaining only the ones that you really need.

Avoid Live Wallpapers

Live wallpapers are cool but most of them are badly made, so they end up taking up plenty RAM space and even battery juice. And since they run always when your screen is activated, they can affect performance.


This is a very helpful feature that synchronizes your data with Google servers so everything works seamlessly. The problem is that it does a refresh often and this can slow down your system’s performance.


If you’ve noticed that your mobile game has been loading slowly and the overall performance is unresponsive, the above tips can help fix the issue and enhance your gaming experience.

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