App developers and entrepreneurs create apps hoping that users will love and appreciate them as personal and business tools. This is not always the case. Sometimes, users who experience difficulty using such apps may be forced to leave bad reviews on the different available platforms. No one wants a bad review of their app. When they do, it is important that you know how to handle such a situation well.  Here are top tips for handling a bad-review situation.

Assess the Situation

You should start by assessing the situation from the user’s point of view. If the user identifies an issue with your product, it is worth looking into. Never immediately get into the defensive mode. Assess the situation, and note the issue that the user pointed out. Agree that your app has a problem, as pointed out by the user, and work towards fixing it. You also want to communicate that you’ve acknowledged the issue the user pointed out. This is a way of telling the user that you see them and acknowledge their views.

Stay Away from Trolls

As an app owner or developer, you should particularly be committed to staying away from trolls. You do not want to engage in arguments that could easily damage the reputation of your brand. Engaging trolls will cause such arguments. Do not reply to comments you believe will lead to unwanted and unproductive arguments. By staying away from such arguments, you do your brand a lot of good.

Add a Personal Touch

If a user complained about your app on a public platform, you should initially engage them on the platform. You should also follow up that initial engagement with a more personal form of interaction through email or live chat. Interact with the user on a more personal note to let them know about your views on the situation and what you are doing to fix this issue. Remember to stick to only prompt and necessary conversations.

Try to Focus on the Bright Side

No well-developed app gets only negative reviews. The apps get negative and positive reviews. If your app gets negative reviews, you shouldn’t dwell on the reviews and try to balance them out with the positive reviews. The negative reviews could lower your users’ confidence, and you should try to counter that by highlighting the positive reviews. During this period, you want to specifically highlight your positive reviews on platforms such as your website.

Fix the Problem Quickly

Although this seems like a natural suggestion, it deserves to be particularly highlighted in this article. As soon as a user points an issue or you notice a bug, all efforts should go towards fixing it as soon as possible. If it is an issue that can be easily fixed, it should be fixed almost immediately, and the resolution communicated expressly. If the issue cannot be easily fixed, begin working on it as soon as possible and communicate with users during the process.


Getting bad reviews for your apps can be quite discouraging. However, it is vital to know what to do and remedy the situation. Following the steps listed above could be of help. Ensure you test your app with test groups in various environments to ensure the app is tip-top before deploying it to app stores. Let us help you with this!

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