Using App Distribution REST API for Testing Purposes

App releases do not just happen immediately when an app is created. It has to go through different series of testing in order to come up with a great app. When developers create apps, they want to know what people think about the app even before it goes mainstream.Getting feedback for your apps before they are released helps you get information on the readiness of that app for the market.

You would need individuals who would test your app. These individuals could be members of your development team, quality assurance staff in your company, or beta testers. They are early access users for your app and they are expected to give you the important feedback you need to improve your app or know whether the app is ready.

Why does a developer need app distribution?

App distribution enables you to get your apps onto the testers’ devices easily and quickly. This means that you can get your feedback early and at a frequency, you would like. It notifies the potential testers via some emails and has a user friendly interface that is easy for the testers to work with. App distribution also makes it very easy for the testers to set up and gain access to all the apps and versions they may be currently testing via the app manager that is provided. 

App Distribution provides you a centralized dashboard to view insights on pre-release versions of your app. Testers are able to provide you with timely input on functionality and pairing App distribution with ‘Crashlytics‘ gives you real-time crash reporting for your app. It gives you insight into the stability of your app before release.

The app distribution REST API

This enables you to integrate your tools with the app distribution. You can add tools that help you manage the testers entering or exiting the testing program, update app binaries, distribute your new releases, delete releases, update release notes, and so on. 

You can manage your testing teams by arranging them into units. Effortlessly add new testers with email invites that help guide them through the process of getting on the testing team and what is required of them. You can monitor the status of each tester for different versions of your app — see who has accepted a testing invitation and downloaded the app and those who haven’t. App distribution helps you gain confidence in your app releases, and the REST API enables you to integrate pre-release testing into your current workflows.

Managing and monitoring testers coming on board or leaving the project is just one example of the integrations you can make into your API. Other examples of integrations that you can build into your app distribution include keeping your release notes linked with your bug tracking system, fetching details about your most recent releases, adding testers to releases from third-party tools, deleting releases in bulk, or fetching test certificate information for your Android app bundle releases.

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