Mobile apps have increased in popularity over the years; there is an app for almost everything. They’re what make a smartphone worth using. However, having an application for your company is not enough as it has to deliver the desired user experience without slowing down. With the cut-throat competition today, it is vital to ensure that your app meets performance expectations. Here are some tips for troubleshooting and solving performance issues with your mobile application. 

When you have performance issues, the first thing to do is to keep track of the devices your audience is using to access your app. This is crucial because devices influence the user interface and play a role in how data appears. Be sure to conduct tests on both old and new devices as this will help you holistically discover and address performance issues. 

Ideally, your app should be run wherever a network can be accessed. Since users frequently switch devices and networks, it’s vital to prepare your app for such transitions. A comprehensive understanding of the properties of different networks can help you determine how to optimize your app’s performance effectively. 

Technological advancements have made speed one of the most important qualities of a mobile app. If an app is slow, most people will uninstall it and try a close substitute. If your app requires a large amount of data, it helps to load as you need it. The idea is to let the app load first and display views so other visual properties can be updated afterward, so the user doesn’t have to wait longer than necessary. 

When it comes to building a winning app, functionality is key. If an app has too many features, they can affect its performance. Removing features that are not essential for the app’s performance can help improve speed, responsiveness, and overall performance. 

Because new devices are being released daily, it can be hard to test every circumstance comprehensively. The outcome is that your app will likely crash at some point. When this occurs, track the frequency of the crashes and try to understand the reason for the crashes. The more data you can gather about crashes, the faster you will be able to resolve the problem and deliver a better experience to the audience. 

Large images make apps slow, so you need to adopt solutions like compression, resizing, and caching to speed up the functionality of your app. Compression lowers the bytes in your image without decreasing the resolution, while resizing helps to adjust images to your mobile app with few issues. With caching, the image is downloaded to the device’s memory, so the app doesn’t have to download it again. 

Apps without an offline mode typically reload everything after a network interruption, which can frustrate users. The solution is to create an offline mode that lets users save the data when the network connection drops so they can resume their activity when reconnected.


A mobile app that’s not delivering the desired performance is courting failure. By using the tips above to troubleshoot your app’s performance, you can expect a better retention rate, rating, number of downloads, conversions, and, ultimately, revenue. 

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