If you’re a gamer, you can probably relate to the feeling of frustrations that well up when the game you’re playing feels jerky, slow and unresponsive because the frames per second (FPS) is low. It feels as like you’re watching a slideshow as only a few different frames appear on your screen per second. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to optimize your device’s frame rate for the game. Here are three things to do to boost the gaming performance on your device:

Access the developer option settings

An excellent way to optimize the frame rate of your device for android games is to head to your smartphone’s settings and search for the ‘Developer’s options’. When you find it, tap on it to activate it.

After activation, you will find a number of settings that can help improve your gaming experience. One of them is the Force 4x MSSA option, which after enabling it should make your gaming applications run faster.

However, keep in mind that enabling the setting will make your battery drain faster, and this is why it makes sense to enable the setting only after you’ve charged your device to 100 percent. Then switch it off after your gaming session.

Turn off background services

The next thing you can do is to turn off apps that run in the background. The apps that run in the background typically use the resources of your device including RAM memory and battery, and this means your current mobile game has to struggle to make do with the resources available. Good examples of these apps are social networking apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

A great way to turn off these background services is to once again go to the developer settings on your device so you can see the services running in the background and examine the RAM usage. You can then identify the apps that use a lot of your phone’s resources and turn them off so you can enjoy your game.

Use boosting services

Another way to further optimize the frame rate of your device for a better mobile gaming experience is to search on the Play Store for apps that were specially designed for that purpose. When you download and use these apps, they will help improve your device’s performance and graphics quality. What they do is temporarily suspend all processes and clean your device’s RAM memory, thus restoring everything back to default.

Examples of such apps are Swift Gamer, DU Speed Booster, Game Booster3 or Systweak Android Cleaner. Generally, before you download any app from the app store, make sure you first look at the user reviews to get an idea of what the apps can do and how well it performs.

Wrap up

You don’t have to put up with the annoying experience anymore as you can now enjoy your favourite games without experiencing lag issues. The improvements you will have from following the tips above will be significant and make your gaming time more enjoyable.

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