App development requires adequacy of data and information which can be fed in and utilized to access app performance, functionality and upgrades. With CloudKit’s Telemetry, you can easily gain insight into how your applications behave by visualizing the aggregate performance and reliability of your apps across all the linked devices. 

Through Telemetry, You can learn about the real-time performance and the functionality of the app across databases. At the same time, it keeps your private data secure and does not expose information about user information.

Sandbox And Production Reviews

CloudKit can be adequately utilized to gain full and in-depth telemetry data about the app developed in either the sandbox or the production environment.

The view from the Sandbox can be used to let you see the live performance while you develop, make changes or upgrade the application. For instance, it can reveal how some features can impact the functionality or how some updates can affect the performance. Before releasing an application, it also helps you ascertain how well your application performed and allows you to recognize patterns in users’ activities, such as peak hours or drop-off in usage.

Obtaining Accurate Data

The CloudKit telemetry comprehensive charts feature allows you to accurately obtain the number of requests per operation type, the number of errors, and the number of push notifications accrued over time. It can also be customized to allow you to collect only the data that is necessary for you. Telemetry is excellent for tracking your application traffic and identifying trends measuring performance. If you are concerned or curious about how long an operation would be processed before releasing it or linking with your app, Telemetry is great for this.

With Telemetry, you can fully appraise the number of request types you’re sending as your app is being developed and monitor for performance alterations with new versions released. This is very helpful to improve user experience and streamline resources

 Features of CloudKit include the following :

  • Automatically syncing across any iOS device is very helpful to provide a comprehensive result that allows for easy app development 
  • Guaranteed privacy; you can always analyze and develop your applications without breaching the privacy of your users’ data 
  • Automation: CloudKit allows for easy automation of development processes.
  • Data encryption: with CloudKit, you can configure a field to be encrypted and ensure that there is adequate data protection during storage and also in transport to your application


Developing an app requires a lot of tools to ensure that it is foolproof, adequate, and excellent in performance. Telemetry and the whole CloudKit can aid with obtaining real-time data and significant information that can be incorporated to help you and fulfill the needs of development accurately. For more information, visit CloudKit’s official developer console.

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