IOS users expect fast and responsive apps; apps that fall short of these features often have lots of negative reviews. This is why developers must create IOS apps that perform optimally to improve users’ experiences. Creating these apps can sometimes be a hassle due to the limitations of the IOS device, but with these coding tips, you can overcome these limitations and enhance your app’s performance

Ensure Apps Don’t Run Out of Memory

Start by ensuring that your app doesn’t run out of memory and crash while in use. The best way to do this is through the use of reusable cells. Without the use of reusable cells, you would have to create a new cell for each row which may result in thousands of cells causing the device to load slowly and the app to run out of memory. To resolve this, Apple has made it easy by providing the dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier:for:) method. This works by placing the cell that is no longer visible on the screen into a queue, once a new cell is about getting visible on the screen; the table views retrieves it and modify it in the cellForRowAt indexPath: method. This method is advantageous because the table view no longer has to create thousands of cells. Instead, it only needs enough cells to cover the area, thereby reducing the memory used on the app

Use a Launch Screen Similar To First Screen

One popular mistake made by developers is using their launch screen as a splash screen that promotes their brand and including logos, branding elements, or loading animations. As a result, the launch screen defers from the app’s initial screen, giving users a perception that the app is slow. Users may also experience a displeasing flash between the launch screen and the app’s initial screen, which might get them frustrated with your app. Developers must understand that their app’ staunch screen is critical to improving how users perceive its responsiveness

State Restoration For View Controllers

When apps are exited and appear on the multitasking screen, the screenshot of the app shows it is still running, however most times, the app gets removed or restarted by the IOS due to insufficient memory. So, if the app doesn’t include state restoration and preservation programmed features, it will lose track of UI state, and the progress of the user will be lost. Developers must ensure that their apps have the state restoration mechanism because users expect to return to the state they left the app when it launches again

Increase Usage of Opaque Views As Much As Possible 

Opaque views are views that completely hide any UI element behind it. Using them is favourable to the operations of your app because they do not overtask the operating system. By reducing the amount of non-transparent views, you increase drawing performance optimization, while rendering the screen. You can change a view to opaque in the interface builder or program it using is the Opaque property of UIView


It is important to note that you shouldn’t optimize your app unless you detect a problem. Don’t give into pre-optimization. Instead, employ the use of Instrument, to frequently profile your app and discover areas that require improvements. Let us help you verify the performance of your great next iOS app!

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