How Does ScanMyApp Work?

We are determined in providing you with a transparent and easy process to help you focus on app development rather than testing. We strive to make the process as pain-free as we can.

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Write your requirements

Choose one of our plans or send us your specific testing requirements by filling the appropriate form. Tell us which devices, test cases and metrics you'd like us to assess and what type of users you are aiming with your app. We'll try to get testers in that demographic if we can. Once we received your request and payment, one of our qualified testing technician will confirm your requirements.


We do the testing

We will prepare the devices and find testers in the desired demographic to run your test cases under various conditions. We measure all the needed metrics over multiple runs and gather all the data.

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We analyze the data

An qualified app developer will look at the data, identify potential issues and area for improvement. If the data is inconclusive or missing, we will rerun the tests to ensure we capture all your requirements.


We report

Our app developer will create a clear and concise report based on his/her findings about your app and email you the final report. The developer will be on standby to answer any question you may have about the report. You can check out our sample report here.

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