Huawei DIGIX Lab Test Services

DIGIX Lab Test services provide an easy means of developing, debugging, and testing mobile apps on different Huawei devices, thus enabling you to easily and efficiently integrate Huawei Mobile Services’ open capabilities.

The service provides over two thousand device models for application testing and debugging. It produces a detailed test result to accurately aid in the location and correcting of issues and the cloud testing services it provides are free.

There are two components of the Digix lab test service; The cloud testing service and the cloud debugging service.

Cloud Testing

DIGIX lab cloud testing allows 24/7 uninterrupted testing of your app on the most current and most popular Huawei devices.

It makes use of a powerful infinite control traversal algorithm to deliver automated cloud testing and also accompany that with detailed test reports. It provides testing screenshots, error logs, performance indicators, and other factors that would help you in discovering faults in your app.

You can run performance tests, compatibility tests, stability tests, or power consumption tests and can be run on an unlimited number of device models(but you can only pick one device model if you are running stability tests) although it is recommended that you don’t select more than 9 device models at a time.

  • The performance tests help evaluate the flaws in app performance, start time, memory occupation, frame rate, and so on.
  • Compatibility tests provide reports on major compatibility items like application installation, start, crash, account exception, black and white screen, etc. 
  • Power consumption tests evaluate the key metrics that affect power consumption. Things like CPU occupation, resource occupation, behavior detection, etc. 
  • Stability tests involve long time traverse tests and normally test stability issues including things like memory leakage, out of memory, frozen screen, and crashes on Huawei mobile devices.

Cloud Debugging

DIGIX lab cloud debugging allows remote app debugging on all Huawei devices quickly and easily. It provides access to the latest Huawei devices so you don’t need to purchase and manage your own. It lets you experience simple, user-friendly operations and supports functions such as changing a device’s orientation, screen capturing, and exporting debugging logs

Cloud debugging allows you 24 hours of debugging for free. A maximum of 2 hours of debugging is allowed on a given device model. But whenever there is a need for more time after the duration of the debugging is used up, you can apply for more time. And when all 24 hours of free debugging time is used up you can also apply for four more or eight more hours.

In order for you to use the cloud debugging function, you’re required to register a Huawei developer’s account and go through the identity verification system. One account can be used to debug on 2 devices. When you’ve done this, you can sign in to your account. What you want to do next is to select a device model on which you want to do your debugging and then you start your debugging.

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