Performance Testing to Improve App Adoption

We live in a world where the use of mobile applications alone now accounts for at least a quarter of all internet traffic. Apps have become a mainstay for consumers and the most effective way for brands to engage with them. However the key to maintaining engagement is to enhance the performance of these apps. This is because just a few seconds of app downtime always negatively impacts business revenues, reputation, and customer satisfaction. The result is that most users abandon these faulty apps for those that work. Optimally functioning apps is imperative for businesses to deliver reliable mobile experiences that protect their mobile device revenue streams. The key to maintaining and increasing user adoption of your app is therefore reliant on strong performance metrics.

Why People Abandon Apps

Research by AppDynamics revealed that at least 50 percent of them were less patient with poor apps. A third of the survey were willing to change banks if the bank’s app was poor. In sum, with 86 percent of the users in the study deleting or uninstalling mobile apps because of poor performance.The also study found out that 30 percent of users were likely to spend more money on a business with a good mobile app. 29 percent were willing to pay more for services if the app used performed better than the competition. The leading cause of abandoning apps is delay in loading the app or online browsing. Such issues can be rectified with proper performance testing prior to development. Other causes are privacy concerns, poor user on boarding experience, lack of competitiveness, high barriers to entry, bad retention metrics, and overall bad user experience.

25% of Users Abandon an App After the First Use

It is a known fact that 1 in every 4 mobile users will only use an app once! That’s not all. It is also a known fact that only one in every four installed app is used. Although Apple’s iTunes App Store is home to over 1.5 million apps and Google Play hosts over 2 million, only very few apps are actually getting installed and used on consumers’ devices.

Commuters using their smartphones
Commuters using their smartphone while waiting the subway.

30 percent of users were likely to spend more money on a business with a good mobile app. 29 percent were willing to pay more for services if the app used performed better than the competition

Analytics firm Localytics has revealed that 62 percent of users will use an app less than 11 times and that 23 percent launch an app only once. Localytics also revealed that app abandonment after one use dropped to 19% from 25%, while the number of users who stick around for 11 or more sessions leaps up to 40% from 32%. These changes might not be groundbreaking, but they allow marketers looking to obtain superior results from their messaging. This is important because app users who feel that the apps meet their unique needs based on their data are much more likely to continue launching the app

Increased app abandonment is a side effect of not leading users to value immediately after they open it. A recent study by L2 revealed that 44% of luxury retail brands had removed their apps from the app store since 2015 and another 56% of brands that currently have their app in the store have not updated it in recent times. Regardless of the reason for the actions of these brands, client disinterest is not far away. Especially when a report by McKinsey revealed that under 5% of the shoppers have actually downloaded a luxury retail app, not without the incentive of rewards or discounts to be had from the brand.

Don’t Be Left in the Dust

App developers can improve their retention rates by conducting performance testing to improve user adoption. There are lots of apps out there, but there are still inherent issues that prevent these apps from being fully optimized. Adopting good coding practices and ensuring hardware resources are properly used is one way to do so. However only thorough testing prior deployment can identify performance issues.

Will users abandon your app after the first use?

Let us check out if performance issues will hinder adoption of your app.

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