One of the best ways to optimize an Android app is by using Java design patterns. App developers have their work cut out because these design patterns are practices that facilitate the development of applications. What then is a design pattern? A Design Pattern is a set of standardized procedures that are followed to achieve a specific goal in the software development process. It is essentially a set of solutions that can be recycled depending on the context of the situation that arises during the development process.

article is just what you need if you are in need of resources on Java
design patterns for the optimization of android applications because
we will be describing them shortly.

Design Patterns Recommendations

  • Creational Pattern: This pattern is used to create objects without showing the logic or the steps involved in the creation process. With this pattern, objects can be created repeatedly with ease.
  • Builder pattern: Here, the developer focuses on those specific things they need in a class without having to bother with the whole class.No new keywords are needed.
  • Singleton pattern: this pattern allows you to call on the object you need in a class without having to create a new object while offering a global point of access to a class.
  • Structural Pattern: The structural pattern facilitates the understanding of the workings of the code from its structure.
  • Adapter pattern: this pattern allows different classes to function together as it functions as a connector to incompatible interfaces.
  • Facade pattern: this pattern is comprised of a complicated system that is enmeshed in a simpler system that covertly derives the values from the complicated system.
  • Behavioural Pattern: As its name suggests, the behavioural pattern dwells on the interactions among the objects of a class. It facilitates an improved understanding of code.
  • Observer pattern: With this pattern, developers look out for changes and possible updates of dependencies between objects.
  • Command pattern: here commands are issued and results are expected promptly, regardless of the processes behind the operation.
  • Model View Controller pattern: This pattern is used to write systemized code for Android applications. Similar to the name, this code based on this pattern is split into: Model, View and Controller.
  • Model View Presenter: This refers to a set of recommendations that are followed to make the code recyclable and capable of being tested. It splits the application process into Model, View and Presenter
  • Model View ViewModel pattern: there are similarities between this pattern and the Model View Control pattern. The obvious difference is the addition of “ViewModel” to the pattern. As such, it consists of Model, View and ViewModel.


Design patterns allow app developers to create code that is easily understood. All that is needed is that certain guidelines be followed. Design patterns also make it possible to recycle code. This means that in the event that a task is to be performed at multiple places, the code does not have to be rewritten all over again. Lastly, design patterns allow for cleaner code. Ready to test the efficiency of your app? Are your design patterns optimal? Let us test it!

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