Using Android Studio for Performance Analysis

It is important that developers are able to conduct a performance analysis of their app by monitoring CPU usage and network traffic. These are key metrics that will affect the users’ experience when using your app. Fortunately, Android Studio offers tools that are designed for this purpose. The development tool comes with real-time monitoring for CPU and network with no overhead. It is specifically designed for memory monitoring because it comes with some excellent data visualization tools that really help developers easily identify problems with the CPU and network traffic. Some of these tools include:

Android Studio Tools

Memory Profiler: This is an important tool that helps developers to identify memory leaks, track memory allocations, force garbage collection and captures a head dump. With the Memory profiler, app developers can do the following:

  • Search and discover undesirable memory allocation patterns that may cause some obstruction in performance.
  • See what objects that are using up memory at a given time and also identify memory leaks using head dumps
  • Record memory allocation during extreme user interaction

Network Profiler: To help developers inspect network traffic and reduce the amount of power used by Wifi radios to send and receive requests, the Network profiler has been created. With this tool, developers can discover real-time network activities; know the number of connections in a network and also see details of all data sent and received. Network profilers also help developers to optimize their app for seamless and faster performance by batching network requests and reducing the number of times that Wifi radios need to be turned on to receive a request. In addition, Network Profiler also allows radios to switch to low power mode to save battery. 

CPU Profiler: The CPU Profiler helps developers to inspect the activities of CPU while interacting with an app. It also enables you to optimize your CPU app to provide a better and seamless user experience while prolonging battery life. The CPU profiler makes use of two major configurations which includes:

  • System trace: This helps to capture fine-grained details, which enables developers to discover and pay close attention to how their app interacts with system resources. 
  • Method and function trace: This helps you discover the Java methods and C++ functions executed and the CPU resources consumed during the execution of the thread in your app process. 

Basically, the CPU Profiler main functionalities include: 

  • Shows activities as they go through different stages of their lifecycle and indicates the user’s interaction with the app. 
  • Shows real-time CPU usage of apps and the number of threads used by the app. 
  • List threads on the app process and indicate activities using three unique colours which are Green (which shows that the thread is ready to use), yellow (symbolizes an active thread) while Gray shows that the thread isn’t consuming any CPU time. 
  • It also reports CPU usage of thread added by the Android studio to your app process. 

Energy Profiler: For developers interested in discovering when an app makes use of more energy than required, the Energy Profiler is the right tool for you. With this tool, Android developers can monitor network radio, GPS sensors, and how CPU is used. Energy Profiler clearly shows how much energy each of these elements uses and system events like alarms, jobs, location requests and wake locks that are capable of affecting energy consumption rate. It is vital to state that this tool does not measure energy consumption directly; rather, it estimates energy consumption for each component on the device and shows system events that may affect the consumption of energy. 


Andriod Profilers tools like those listed above are very important to every developer. They do not only provide real-time data to help you understand apps makes use of memory battery, CPU and network; they also help to optimize performance and provide a seamless experience for the user. While these tools provide a good idea of how your app performs, they are based on ideal devices in a controlled environment. The real world is far more complicated and unpredictable. provides an advance performance analysis service by testing your app on real, diverse mobile devices from across the world in real-life environments.

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