An app performing badly on the app stores could be caused by so many reasons. No matter what the reason is no app developer will want his or her app isolated on the store. This article takes a detailed look at 5 common issues that can sink your app on the app stores and provide a better solution to this problem. 

Bad User Experience

Bad user experience is bound to occur when the app development did not prioritize user experience. This is the case when the user is not considered every step of the way in the development of the app. Apps should be designed with important features that the average user desires. Such features should be found based on research into the target audience. Speed and intuitiveness are two features that users look out for generally. Apps should be developed in line with the needs of the target audience. This is a simple tip for ensuring an app’s success.

Inappropriate Platform

The platform for which an app is developed could significantly influence its performance. App owners and developers could develop the right app but for the wrong platform. The platform of an app should be considered based on the target audience and other features like the market share. Always consider the target audience first in choosing the platform. For example, even if a platform does not have a high market share, it could still be the best option for an app if the users of the platform are the target audience of the app.

Mobile Unfriendliness

Developing a mobile unfriendly app is perhaps the easiest way to sink an app on the app stores. Many app developers and owners make the mistake of shrinking a website version of their app to make the mobile version. This is a wrong approach that will guarantee a poor reception of the app. Mobile apps should be developed with specific goals in mind. They should be particularly user-friendly and responsive too. Make a mobile-friendly app and watch it receive a good reception from users.

Subpar Marketing

Even the best products need strong marketing, at least until enough users know about the product for it to market itself. Subpar marketing is a common issue associated with the low performance of an app. An app can tick all the boxes, but the target audience will not know of it because it was poorly marketed. Create a suitable marketing plan before the app launches and execute the plan to the letter to get the desired reactions to the app.

Unclear Purpose

Developing an app similar to an already successful app and hoping that it will perform like the successful app is one way to guarantee the app’s failure. That is the way to build an app without clarity of purpose. Build your app as a solution with a clear target audience.

Ensure that an app has a market and a clear purpose before building and releasing it. Otherwise, it is just a disaster waiting to unfold.


This article has highlighted the top issues that can sink your app on any of the app stores. It is vital to quickly take note of these issues and provide a solution to them. Make sure it doesn’t happen to you, contacts us for more insights on ensuring the success of your app.

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