IOS App users cherish apps that initialize instantaneously, respond quickly to inputs and generally allow them to perform tasks on time. As a result, it is imperative for developers to improve their overall app performance and enhance users ‘experience. However, where the problem lies is that performance optimization can be challenging especially when the problems are not measured properly. With improper measurement, it is difficult to know what exactly is slowing down your app. The key to optimizing your app performance is using precise measurements to gather information or data about the problem. In turn, data collection will help you implement the necessary changes. Following up on our post on tools for Android, here are some tools for iOS development.

Gather Performance Data from Various Sources

Start by viewing metrics for response rates, start-up time, energy usage, and storage use with Metric Organizer. For in-depth data collection, you should also use MetricKit. It collects data on the frequency of daily observed values and records these data in your tools. Other functions of this tool, including assessing cellular network conditions, durations associated with custom OSSignpost events and average pixel luminance. You can also employ the use of Testflight testers for feedback (data) on the beta version experience of your app. Your data collection and measurement processes are incomplete without user feedback. To get user data, offer an email or dedicated interface within your app, where uses can send feedback about your app.

Decide on the Most Important Aspect to Enhance

After gathering data, you have a wealth of information at your disposal. Use your knowledge on the purpose and expected functions of your app to determine what problems to fix or aspects of improving. Keep in mind that the largest value of metric data obtained doesn’t determine the issues to prioritize, especially if the data reflects the expected app usage.

Profile Your App

The next step in measuring your app’s performance is to profile your app on a device instead of a simulator, for reliable measurements use Instruments. Profiling your app entails checking for inefficient or faulty codes that overuse CPU, GPU, battery and storage. To measure CPU use the Time Profiler tool, useCore Animation tool for GPU and Allocation tool for memory or storage. As for battery measurements, the best tool to use is Energy Analytics.

Implement and Compare

From your investigations and data collection, create a plan to address problems observed or improve the operations of your app. Implement this plan by changing your app to fix the most pressing performance problems. After, confirm if changes were effective by comparing before and after profiles of your app. You can use your Instrument tool to create these profiles and the XCode Metric organizer to examine results and ascertain if there was an upgrade or retroversion to your app’s performance.


As developers, you want to be proud of your creation and ensure that your app works optimally, measuring and implementing proper changes will ensure that your app functions optimally and you get the credit you deserve. For the best results, it is important to initiate a cycle of continual improvements, even when the observations show there is no serious performance problem. This will help you prevent the regression of your app’s performance. Contact us if you would like us to assess the performance of your iOS app for you!

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