Mobile app development is a fast-growing sector of the online industry, attracting a large number of developers. Mobile apps are the best choice to move your business forward. However, you must develop apps that align with or exceed users’ expectations. Presently, IOS is a leading platform in user adoption and engagement rates. The results of these high adoption rates are high user expectations and increased demand for flawless apps.

So, if your app is viewed as unresponsive or sluggish, you will lose users, money, your job and definitely get poor reviews. These performance problems usually emerge from mistakes made during development. Here are the most popular mistakes that programmers should avoid during the development process.

Poor Understanding of the Asynchronous Process

A mistake common among developers is the improper handling of asynchronous processes. A typical example is opening a screen, with the table view on display. During this process, it is normal for data to be fetched from the server and the UI updated. However, there is a problem. The process of fetching data is asynchronous and won’t return data instantaneously. As a result, reload will be called before collecting new data.

Running UI-Code on a thread instead of the Main Queue

It is easy to forget to dispatch your code to the right queue and more common to wrongly dispatch UI-Code. Most programmers make the mistake of placing UI-code on threads instead of the main queue, where they should be run. This often leads to the table view not being updated even after the asynchronous process’s successful completion.

Mistakes In Using Concurrency and Multi threads

When precisely and safely used, concurrency can be a great tool in promoting your app’s efficiency. An important benefit of concurrency is moving tasks to correct queues, where they will be performed without the app hanging. However, concurrency can also introduce dreadful bugs, such as rare conditions that are difficult to reproduce. The multithread codes might appear correct but will not perform as expected and will require much work to test and debug it.

Limited Knowledge on the downsides of Mutable Objects

Developers with insufficient Knowledge on Swift and Objective C, usually run into mistakes with value types. Mutable Objects can have damming consequences and cause hidden problems to your app if not properly programmed.

Utilizing Storyboard instead of XIB

Using Storyboard for UI has many pitfalls, yet many new developers use it by default based on Apple’s recommendations. A typical drawback is a difficulty it presents in modification for several team members. It also forces programmers into the non-modular design. Storyboard offers very minute incentives for making views reusable.


The mobile development market is currently experiencing huge traffic and is expected to continue expanding. So, the only way an IOS developer can be relevant in such a vast market is to improve on their IOS skills and avert the common mistakes described above. Also, enhancing one’s building skills presents great opportunities to embark on challenging projects using Avant-grade technology. However no amount of technology can yet replace skillful development that concerns itself with users and performance on their devices. Ask us how we can help with the performance of your app!

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