Performance Testing – Why?

Often in the rush to release an app and start earning, developers may be tempted to quickly publish an application once they are are satisfied that it does not crashes in the emulator after using the main features. Updates will be pushed later to fix any bugs. However this is a critical mistake that can cause your app to be abandoned, resulting in lost time and money. 25% of mobile app users abandon an app after a single use. While many reason explains this phenomenon, technical issues and slow apps are some of the top causes for user to switch to another, better app. For any mobile app, testing its performance prior to its release is very critical: if your app is slow, unresponsive or crashed when used in less than ideal conditions, the end-user will uninstall your app and find a better one.

The real end-user does not have the sanitized environment than emulator has, it’s often messy, shared with many apps that read/write to disk often, with a low-latency network. Does your app still performs well in low-memory environment? Does it causes network bottlenecks when the user is under a 2G network? Or does it struggle to render on foreign devices? These are questions you must answer prior to release. Fortunately, we can provide you with the answers.

Our Mission

Scan My App uses real devices from various locations around the world. Not only we use real devices, we also employ a pool of users in various demographics that will test your app using your tests cases and provide feedback during the development phase of your app. Either choose a device from our current inventory or request us to procure 1 or more specific devices for your target audience.

Provide a testing environment reflective of your app

Realistic test cases focusing on important features

Provide details and accurate test reports to make your app successful

Provide insightful recommendations